Red is a stereotype of hatred and anger, but that's not at all true. Red is, to me, a strong, driven colour that never gives up. I'll also choose to get a blue iPhone 12 someday. Most of my favorite badass characters are represented by dark blue in particular. Blue is a deep and intriguing color that can represent trust, determination, responsibility, and calmness. Some of the GREATEST protagonists and heroic characters of all time have a theme of blue. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence. The color blue represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. Lapis lazuli and azurite are said to heighten psychic power. Blue gemstones to wear to feel calm are blue sapphire and blue topaz. A blue iris means your friendship is very important to me. Dark blue is the color of truth and moderation. Blue is so soothing that is a good choice for pajamas. That makes it a wonderful color to use in the home, especially for babies. Blue is often the chosen color by conservative people. A pure blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli to represent heaven.

Blue is the coolest color - the color of the sky, ocean, sleep, twilight.