
Convert wim to iso
Convert wim to iso

convert wim to iso convert wim to iso

One should be aware of these PowerShell commands as it will be very handy in managing various tasks related to Windows Image. Run the following powershell command to get other cmdlets related to WindowsImage. Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath C:\Win10-20H2\Windows10-20H2-Enterprise.wim Other Useful commands related to Windows Image Run the following command to verify the version of the newly created wim which shows only 1 ImageIndex. You may also notice that the size of the Enterprise wim file will be smaller as compared to multiple edition wim (install.wim). In case of any failure, you may troubleshoot using log file c:\windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log. Once completed, you will be able to see the new created wim file under the folder. Where -SourceImagePath is the location of original install.wim, -DestinationImagePath is where you want to save the new wim, -SourceIndex is the index number of Windows 10 version, in this case it is Enterprise edition. Run following command to extract enterprise wim from multiple edition wim : Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath F:\sources\install.wim -DestinationImagePath C:\Win10-20H2\Windows10-20H2-Enterprise.wim -SourceIndex 3 Create a folder where you want to extract the Windows 10 enterprise wim, for example: C:\Win10-20H2 Convert files from Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) form to Windows Imaging Format (WIM) if you need to add updated device drivers.

Convert wim to iso