The data analyzed in this study are language units in the form of words, sentences, or excerpts of texts / dialogues relating to social values in Asma Nadia's Cinta Dua Kodi novel. The method used in the study is a qualitative method that is describing the social values that exist in the Cinta Dua Kodi novel by Asma Nadia. The formulation of the problem in this study is (1) What is the value of love in Asma Nadia's Cinta Dua Kodi novel? (2) What is the value of responsibility in Asma Nadia's Cinta Dua Kodi novel? (3) What is the harmony of life in the Cinta Dua Kodikarya Asma Nadia novel ?. The type of literature that portrays life is a novel, as the researchers used is the Cinta Dua Kodi novel by Asma Nadia. With this social value, it will give a true example to the community, social value can also provide a function as a benchmark for one's social position, motivation, guidance, as well as monitoring a person's behavior or attitude in the community so that people can experience life peacefully. Social value is an individual attitude that is valued as a truth and is used as a standard of behavior in order to obtain the life of a democratic and harmonious society.